We Have Some Things to Think About

Working on a title called "Ode to We, Dedicated to Wonder," which is a reinterpretation of poem by the Syrian poet Ephrem from the 4th Century.

This Ode to We interpretation has a line in it inspired by this 4th-century Hymn 1, which said, in its line 14: "Man imposed corruption on woman when she came forth from him; today she repaid him--she who bore for him the Savior."

The new interpretation for an "Ode to We, Dedicated to Wonder," says it this way, also in line 14: "We shared our corruption at home and it went out into the world with our kids; today we are not repaid by reproduced behavior–girl-mothers are giving birth to little baby saviors who want to understand each another."

I saw this article from NPR about domestic violence being at the root of mass shootings happening in the world. May more be born who have the strength to say, "We are weak because of the strength others passed down when they were too angry to see that their victims were too innocent to upset them so maliciously. May this weakness be our strength instead of violence. So, our therapists are our new celebrities.  We didn't know as well then what we know so well now.  We can do better.  We have some things to think about."

See NPR article here.


  1. Wow. I appreciate this topic and agree with what your saying.


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